Winter Break Is Almost Here

It's finals week. The infamous time of the year that every college student is panicking to come out on top of the last semester. Thankfully, winter break is directly after finals week and is a time for students to recollect and enjoy the holidays with their family.

This winter break, I plan on spending as much time as I can with my younger siblings and friends from other colleges. Going a long time without seeing some of my closest friends and littlest family members breaks my heart, so I am excited to be able to devote almost three whole weeks to them. I am also going to catch up on sleep and gain a few pounds due to nice home cooked meals, which I haven't had since Thanksgiving.

However, one of the consequences of growing up is the constant need for money. Because of this, I have to work a second job back home almost every day of the break. To make sense of the time that I will have to sacrifice for work I just tell myself that in every good there is bad, and in every bad there is good. So as much as I don't want to work while I am home, I love my boss and the atmosphere of my second job, so it'll be alright in the end!

I also love the spirit of Christmas and the festiveness of everything around the holidays. Come Saturday morning after finals week, I will be sitting front and center with my grandma binge-ing Hallmark movies until the day after Christmas.


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