Ways I Make Mobile Feel Like Home

I am originally from Huntsville, Alabama, so Mobile is a pretty good drive away from home.

However, to help make Mobile feel more like home, I do things that I did back home with my family or friends. Or, I make new memories and highlight the important events in my life that have taken place in Mobile since I have moved here.

For instance, I use to always go thrift shopping with my mom. Whenever I miss her, I go thrift shopping and FaceTime her to tell her about my thrifting experience. We also talk about everything I'm missing back home. On one of our FaceTime calls, my little sister rolled over for the first time on her own!

I also do little things to feel like I am at my grandparents' house. Every Saturday my grandparents watch college football and my grandma will cook taco soup. I might not be the biggest fan of football, but I do make taco soup, along with some of my grandma's other recipes, to feel like I am back home with them.

My friends at South also help make Mobile feel like home. I knew a lot of the people I see on a regular basis in Mobile, back in Huntsville. Having some best friends from home here with me keeps me from feeling like a fish out of water. We all can connect and understand each other since we've grown up together and have all went through similar things. Talking everything out and remembering the things we use to do in Huntsville, and then adding to them with new memories here comforts me.


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